Breathe California of the Bay Area maintains the local Secondhand Smoke Helpline to help people who are affected by secondhand smoke. This includes:
- Local residents who are exposed to a neighbor’s secondhand smoke/vape
- People who want to log a complaint about bars/restaurants that are not complying with non-smoking/vaping laws
- Those who have concerns about their own exposure to secondhand smoke/vape
If you have questions, complaints or other issues regarding secondhand smoke, we encourage you to:
Call 408-999-0500 or
Submit the online form below.
What Can the Secondhand Smoke Helpline Do for You?
The Secondhand Smoke Helpline provides callers with solutions posed by exposure to secondhand smoke or electronic cigarette (vaping) emissions/aerosol. By filling out the form, you can receive:
- Information about laws and personal rights regarding secondhand smoke
- A way to anonymously place complaints about secondhand smoke
- Free consultation and advocacy on your behalf
- Informational flyers, brochures and materials about secondhand smoke and no smoking signs
How Can Secondhand Smoke Affect Your Health?

Secondhand smoke is a dangerous air pollutant. People are at risk of breathing in secondhand smoke anywhere there are smokers. Secondhand smoke can also travel about 20 feet in every direction and may stay around for hours.
Secondhand smoke can affect your health even if you are only exposed to it for a short amount of time – sometimes in a matter of minutes! When you breathe in secondhand smoke, chemicals irritate the airways and have an immediate effect on the entire body. This can lead to a number of serious and deadly health problems including:
- Coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath
- Ear infections
- Asthma attacks
- Respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia
- Increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- Heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke
While e-cigarettes do not contain smoke, exposure to their secondhand emissions, or aerosol, can be as dangerous as exposure to secondhand smoke from cigarettes. Vaping has been found to diminish indoor air quality by increasing the concentration of nicotine, particulate matter, Particulate matter such as PAHs, and aluminum which are linked to cardiovascular and lung diseases and cancer, along with other harmful health effects.
Who faces a high-risk of developing health problems from secondhand smoke?
While secondhand smoke is harmful to everybody, it is even more dangerous to the following high-risk individuals:
- Babies and children, whose lungs are still growing and can be easily damaged
- Heart and lung disease patients, who may suffer even more problems because of their condition
- Pregnant women have a higher risk of delivering a child with congenital abnormalities, smaller head circumference, low birth weight as well miscarriage, premature birth and infant death.
- Seniors, who often have weaker immune systems
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States.
Individuals exposed to secondhand smoke have a 20 to 30 percent higher chance of developing lung cancer and heart disease.