Home > Asthma Education Class for Children

If left unchecked, asthma can lead to frequent hospital visits, greater school absenteeism, and low self-esteem and confidence. A strong desire to fit in with their peers also leads many children to ignore simple ways to manage their disease.  

To combat this, Breathe California of the Bay Area offers school and daycare Asthma Education Classes for individuals affected by the disease.

Benefits of School-Site Asthma Education

By participating in a school-based asthma education program, children develop a better understanding of asthma. As a result, children often benefit from:

  • Better academic performance in the classroom
  • Decline in school absenteeism
  • Become more attentive to their asthmatic needs
  • Increase self-esteem and self-confidence

For more information, kindly contact Kiran Kaur at kiran@lungsrus.org or (408) 998-5865.