Ash Kickers
A comprehensive 6 session programs for adults. Ash Kickers Smoking Cessation Program facilitates group support and incorporates a step-by-step approach to focusing on the benefits of quitting, creating a plan to quit and providing resources to quit.
Brief Counseling with Individualized Telephone Intervention
A program for adults who who want to do a self help. Participants will receive one individualized consultation to counsel them on successful cessation techniques and will be supplied with program materials to use one their own. Two telephone consultations are also included.
3-Hour Smoking Cessation Group Intervention plus Telephone Follow-up
A program designed for adults who cannot commit to a six-week class. The one time class will prepare individuals to go through behavior modification stages. Two telephone consultations are included, plus self help materials.
Quit the Hits
A comprehensive 5 session quit smoking program for teens ages 13-17. Quit the Hits includes both cessation assistance and general tobacco education, including electric cigarettes and vapes.