Home > Fleet Forward Conference

The Breathe California-coordinated Silicon Valley Clean Cities Coalition (SVCCC) was proud to be an Association Sponsor of Fleet Forward Conference (FFC) this November 9-11, 2022 at the Marriott in Santa Clara.  The conference was designed to deliver fleets solutions on electrification, connected vehicles, autonomous technology, last-mile mobility, IoT (internet of things), shared mobility, Fleet Management as a Service, next-generation telematics, and more.

In 2022, FFC received two major updates to the programing: an expanded ride and drive and a new safety track, Fleet Safety Conference.  Silicon Valley Clean Cities Coalition was there to table and provide information to attendees, who had multiple opportunities to drive electric vehicles, mingle with product experts, and experience new technologies behind the wheel in a large outdoor interactive space. SVCCC Advisory Board Member Mark Roest and SVCCC Co-Coordinator Vanessa Talania were on-hand to help local attendees and discuss SVCCC’s goals for electric school buses, solar fueling of EVs, and increasing EVs in environmental and energy justice communities.

Here is SVCCC Advisory Board Member Mark Roest tabling at the event.
See more photos from the event organizers here.